“Then they also will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to You?’ Then He will answer them, saying, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’ - Matthew 25:44-45 NKJV

Our Work with Good360

The Bronx-Manhattan Youth Federation of Seventh-day Adventist adopted 3 shelters that serve homeless families in NYC in order to help those who need it the most. NYC has a significant homeless population and not enough resources for everyone. 

Roughly 75 families displaced by fire, natural disaster or eviction reside in the Convent Avenue Family Living Center in Harlem. According to the Director of Social Work, “families come here with very little notice and next to nothing to sustain their families. We always need basic necessities for those coming in, there’s always a need”. Dozens of families at the Convent Avenue center received donated household items including bedding, bathroom and kitchen items from our partnership with Bed, Bath and Beyond through Good360. Some items supported those recently displaced, while others like furniture and storage items supported families preparing to transition to permanent placement. 

Our Bronx women’s shelter serves 17 single and pregnant mothers who have been victims of domestic violence. These mothers have needs not only for themselves but their born and unborn children and don’t have the luxury of a baby shower. Donations received include newborn bedding, playpens and other baby items that were donated from Bed, Bath and Beyond. When these mothers transition to permanent placement, they now have an additional mouth to feed. Bed, Bath and Beyond has helped support these women during one of the most difficult stages of their lives. 

The household items we received were most recently shared with the Jackson Avenue Family Residence which shelters up to 360 families and operates a Family Sanctuary for immigrant families. During our second donation to the Residence, several staff members insisted on a ‘meet and greet’ and tour of the residence out of gratitude. The units are clean but very small even for larger families. Privacy is nonexistent for a family that might include adults, teens and children.  The Recreation Coordinator shared, “it’s a blessing to receive so many wonderful things for the families. We try our best but sometimes the children don’t have decent coats in the winter or even socks for school. The plates and silverware made such a difference for a family just trying to eat dinner together like a regular family. Thank you for thinking of us”. 

Bed, Bath and Beyond, through Good360, has enabled the Youth Federation to make a real impact on families in their local community. Hundreds of parents in temporary housing struggle to make a stable home environment for their children. Good360 has helped relieve some of the mental hardship and stress that comes from homelessness by facilitating partnerships with companies like Bed, Bath & Beyond willing to freely donate basic necessities and even some comforts for a nurturing home environment and better quality of life.

Items We Accept